11 January 2010

Lose That Baby Weight - Tips to Help You Lose Weight Quickly

For ten months (forty weeks) your body acted as an incubator for that wonderful little person whom you fell in love with the moment you laid eyes on them. The bouts of morning sickness have been totally forgotten and the fifty pounds you gained mean nothing compared to your new bundle of joy. But that was one, two or three years ago! Now that bundle of joy has turned into a toddler size bottle of energy and mayhem! You've begun to realize that the body that you once had just can't seem to keep up either! You've gotten wider in all the wrong places and you can no longer use "baby weight" as an excuse for not being able to zip or button your jeans!

Believe me when I say that you aren't alone! You've got a common ailment that I call the baby weight blues! Your "baby" may be a feisty tween - but you've still got the baby weight blues! Well it's never too late to drop that extra twenty pounds and I'm going to give you several that will help you get your figure back!

1. Set A Goal: I know this seems obvious, but you'd be surprised at how many people forget to set a realistic weight loss goal. How will you know you've hit success if you aren't sure what it is you want to achieve? In setting your goal remember to make it something attainable and healthy. Don't set a goal of losing fifty pounds in one week, that isn't possible. And if it is - it sure won't be healthy!

2. Remind yourself of that goal every day: Find a picture of what your target size looks like. This can be an old picture of you, a relative or just a random image. Once you have the picture, post it in a place that you're sure to look at every day. You must keep your eye on the prize!

3. Find a program that works: It's important to find a system that will work for YOU. The South Beach Diet may have worked well for your next door neighbor, but that doesn't mean it will work well for you. Perhaps you may want to try Fat Loss 4Idiots, or the popular Fit Yummy Mummy system. Either way, look for a program that you can do at your own pace with achievable tasks for you.

4. Stick with it!: You must remember, action is the ultimate success secret. How can you expect results without putting in the necessary work? If you aren't able to work out 1 hour per day, then don't start a program that requires that. If you are unable to commit to drinking 8 protein shakes per day, once again - skip that one and find something else! These are just four basic steps to get your mind ready for the task at hand. I believe you can do it, in fact - I KNOW you can do it! For advice on some of the available programs out there - check us out: Lose Weight Quickly and Quick Weight Loss with the Master Cleanse

Bella is the author of several lifestyle blogs including Beaches&Bikini's and Gen Y Travel

Source: Baby Weight Loss, South Beach Diet Lose Weight at goarticles.com

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